7 Places to Buy Bromeliads Online
Author: Celeste Booth10 Comments
Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors

For those of you who don’t live near a bromeliad nursery or don’t know where to start, here’s a list we’ve compiled of seven online vendors. Please keep in mind, that although it is easy to buy plants online and have them arrive at your door, they won’t survive in every kind of climate and home environment. Please consult the growing specifications before purchasing your new plants.
The Air Plant Shop has all sorts of Tillandsia (air plants). Whether you are looking for just one, an assortment, or bromeliads “potted” in cute seashells or refrigerator magnets, you’ll find them here. They have a 30 day guarantee and offer free shipping on orders over $50. They do not ship outside of the United States. Be sure to check out our Tillandsia Cheat Sheet for tips on caring for this type of bromeliad.
If the Air Plant Shop wasn’t enough, then go ahead and check out Plant Oddities. They ship worldwide and have a large selection of Tillandsia species. They have a flat shipping rate to anywhere in the USA for any combination of plants and accessories.
Tropiflora sells to both wholesale bromeliad growers as well as the regular consumer. They have been in business for over 35 years and grow what they sell. If it’s listed on their site, it’s in stock. They don’t just sell bromeliads, but they do have a large inventory of them. Their pop-out menu lets you browse by genus, suggestions for beginners, bromeliads by types of climate, size, and more. You can sign up (at no cost) as a VIPP (Very Important Plant Person) to receive email specials, discounts, and other member benefits. Tropiflora is located in Sarasota, FL, and if you happen to live nearby, they also accept drop-in visitors during work hours.
Michael’s Bromeliads, established in 1986, has 15 greenhouses and over 2,500 varieties of bromeliads. They ship both domestic and world-wide, however international orders must be made by email due to custom shipping charges depending on the country. Order online by selecting the genus and then the variety you would like to purchase. Located in Venice, FL, Michael’s Bromeliads happily accepts visitors by appointment.
Choose your bromeliad genus from the list of blue names on the left, then scroll through to choose which variety you want. Plants that are in stock will have a button to add them to your shopping cart. Seabreeze Nursuries ships both domestic and international. Some of their bromeliads have the option of purchasing an offset or the mature plant. Their Fort Myers nursery is only open to industry professionals (landscapers, lawn care, contractors, etc).
Grants Farm is a wholesale supplier of bromeliads located in Davie, Florida that ships nationwide (including Canada and the Caribbean). Their nursery is also California and Arizona certified. Because they are a wholesale supplier, you must login to view pricing. They have a range of bromeliads from Aechmea to Vriesea and even some Vanda orchids as well.
PlantaBrutt is the only grower in our list located in Europe. They operate out of Málaga, Spain and their website is viewable in English or Spanish. They mainly ship around Europe, but can accommodate other international orders. Their online shop includes an assortment of bromeliads, including Tillandsia arrangements. PlantaBrutt typically mails out orders within two days of purchase.
Have a favorite bromeliad vendor we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Interesting. Looking for a new supplier.
You should check out Grants Farm Nursery in Davie FLorida
Thanks, we’ve just added them!
“Little Gator Farm” in Bonita Springs Florida is great.!
Do you have a url for them?
Try plantoddities.com for Tillandsias. Awesome selection and reasonable shipping located in Kentucky
Thank you, we’ve added them to our list.
You should add Bromeliad Paradise from Florida. Only ship to the US but have a great selection and very reliable.
I have enjoyed the beauty of your plants. I want become a collector and a grower.
Research on where to buy Bromeliad