Bromeliad Plant Growing Specifications – Tillandsia Species And Hybrids
Author: admin1 Comment
This article provides information on the specific growing guidelines for Tillandsia species and hybrid bromeliads.
- Light: Bright light from an east or west window, with some direct sun in the winter but not in the summer.
- Temperature: In the spring, summer, and early fall, these plants love the warm (to 80 degrees F or 27 degrees C). In the winter, a cool rest in the 60 degrees F (16 degrees C) range.
- Fertilizer: In the spring and summer, feed plants every 2 weeks by spraying them with a high-phosphorous fertilizer, mixed at half the normal strength. Plants take up the nutrients with their leaf scales. In the fall and winter, no feeding is needed.
- Water: Spray plants with water twice weekly, until they are thoroughly wet. The applied water should dry within 4 hours. Do not soak the base of the plants.
- Soil: None needed for most selections. A bit of sphagnum moss can be used to create a nest for air plants. Grow pink quill in orchid soil.
- Repotting: Reposition as needed to accommodate new growth; usually only every 2 to 3 years.
- Longevity: Individual plants live 5 or more years.
- Propagation: Detach Offsets when they are one-third the size of the parent plant. Small holes drilled in an old piece of untreated wood make a good temporary home for theses babies.
- Selections: Pink quill can be grown as an individual specimen in a pot. Most other air plants are sold by common name, or may be labeled as T. ionantha. Spanish moss is T.usneoides.
- Display Tips: Use a rasp to create crevices or depressions in a nicely figured knot of wood and install three air plants to create a tree garden.
For more information on Tillandsia species and hybrids, check out my post on Popular Bromeliad Plant – Tillandsia species and hybrids!
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