Bromeliad Basics: Repotting
Author: Melanie Dearringer5 Comments
In this article you’ll find helpful information on the general repotting requirements for a bromeliad plant.
Bromeliads have small root systems, and most grow best when kept in small pots. Young plants can be safely potted in 4 inch containers. A young bromeliad can benefit from a repotting if they are outgrowing their container. This is best done in the spring. Most full sized bromeliads will not require a planter pot larger than 6 inches. Using a larger plant container than needed can lead to over-watering issues. Whether you are repotting a large bromeliad or small offsets, take care not to set plants too deeply or too shallow. Planting a bromeliad to the base of the leaves will help prevent crown rot. If the plant does not have an adequate root system to stay upright in its new container, use wooden stakes to secure its position. Allowing the bromeliad to freely move around can cause damage in the developing roots. Once the plant has established a root system that is capable of supporting the plant’s weight, the stakes can be removed.
For even more information on bromeliad basic care, check out these great articles:
Bromeliad Basics: An Introduction
Bromeliad Basics: Temperature
Bromeliad Basics: Fertilizer
Bromeliad Basics: Watering
Bromeliad Basics: Lighting
Bromeliad Basics: Potting Medium
Bromeliad Basics: Propagation
Photo credit: George Oates via
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what kind of soil? (catus or regular potting soil
Bromeliads have special needs when it comes to potting medium. Our Soil and Potting Needs for Bromeliads post should answer all your questions. Enjoy!
question, does the pot need to be shawlow or can I use a deep pot?
So yous said
“Young plants that are actively growing usually benefit from yearly repotting, which is best done in the spring. After 2 to 3 years, plants often can be held in a 5 to 6 in (12.5 to 15 cm) pot until they bloom and produce offspring”
But I thought they died every year and left new pups? I have a Vriesea and a Guzmania
So the new pups are not going to have flowers next year? I read some place I can clip the dead top and I would have more plants for the next year. Thanks!!!!!