Pots and Plant Containers – Size
Author: admin2 Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Classification, Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors
Regardless of the material from which a container is made, its size should be proportional to that of its occupant.
As a rule of thumb, measure the height of the plant from the soil line to the highest leaf. Divide this number by 3, and you have a good guess as to the ideal diameter of the container, measured in inches. Check out NewProContainers.com for a variety of pots and containers that come in various sizes at affordable prices!
This equation won’t work with low-growing, vine plants or small, squat cacti, so the next size-wise guideline is to choose the smallest container that will accommodate the roots of the plant. There are two reasons to go small with containers:
- One reason is that small containers have a dwarfing effect on plant size, which is usually desirable under indoor conditions.
- The second reason being, soil that is not employed in the service of roots tends to hold onto excess moisture, which in turn sets a tempting table for fungi that cause roots to rot.
The diameter of the top of the pot (the measurement between opposite edges) is usually about the same as its depth. However, some plants with shallow surface roots do better in a low, squat container. Notice, too, that pots that narrow toward the base are prone to toppling over when planted with tall plants, though they are fine for small ones. Heavy pots with attached drainage dishes are often ideal for top-heavy plants. If a tall plant insists on tipping over, move it into a square planter that sits solidly in place.
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